You are looking for an SEO service provider, an online marketing strategy developer for your business website.

Your Business

You are looking for an SEO service provider, an online marketing strategy developer for your business website. You will feel confused, overwhelmed because you do not know where to start, with which partner. Don’t worry, we will help you.

Here is some information about the online marketing strategy you are looking for. The Internet is a place where there are many opportunities for people to start a business and grow a business.

Online Marketing

Today, the explosion of the Internet makes us humans more connected. You see people, homes connected to the Internet, and your customers among them.

Online marketing is the marketing activities of businesses carried out on the internet environment. Online Marketing is a method of marketing on the Internet platform.

Some other terms are also often used such as internet marketing, digital marketing. However, online marketing is only one part of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing is a way to reach customers through means operating under digital platforms, including on the Internet and Non-Internet environments such as radio, television, OTT services, storage devices. Some forms of digital marketing help you see more clearly:

  • TV and radio advertising
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Online Marketing
  • Tele Marketing

Thus, Digital Marketing is more general than Online Marketing.


What does online marketing include?


For most businesses and brands, the goal of online marketing is the same as almost any other type of marketing or advertising.

The main goal of online marketing is to attract and maintain people’s attention.

Once you get someone’s attention, they will know you (Know). When they know you, the next step they will like you (Like). And after they like you, your own goals will make them trust you (Trust).

This is called KLT (Know, Like, Trust – Know, Like and Trust). And it’s a recipe worked out over time to turn prospects into buyers.

The only difference is that online marketing is done in the Internet environment.

1. How Online Marketing Happens

Instead of trying to get someone to come to your showroom, just try to get them to your website. A certain percentage of people who come to your website will make a purchase. The main challenge is that you can’t talk to them while they’re reviewing the product. You don’t even know they’re there.

So how to build KLT when you can’t talk to people?

That’s why blogging and content marketing on Google is so popular these days. You can build KLT with your content. Or get customers to sign up for an email list and stay in touch with them over the course of weeks, months, and years.
This is a popular way to build KLT. I will have a more in-depth article about these knowledge. All you need to know now is how to get people to visit your website and:

Buy your products or services
Leave their email or information so that you continue to contact them in the future.

The above is a rough overview of how an online marketing strategy works.

2. Benefits of online marketing

  • Online marketing is much cheaper than traditional forms of marketing and advertising.

  • You can easily find the market – target customers and contact them.

  • Easy to use

  • Use it to generate revenue and even run an entire business without having to have a physical office.

  • Usually scaled up with little hassle

    Although online marketing brings a lot of great value. However, it also brings many obstacles. Strategies and tactics are constantly being changed. Today, technology is evolving at a rapid pace and it is difficult to keep up, especially when you are not familiar with them.

    This is more evident in small businesses than in large companies. However, it is also quite common.


3. Use online marketing tools

There are many tools to assist you in implementing your online marketing depending on the marketing channels you use.

Each type of online marketing tool will give you a lot of different options.

Example: You need to find an email marketing service provider to implement this method properly. However, they all have different features, options, and prices, so which one should you choose?

You should seek advice from those who have gone before to make the most informed decision.

4. How to build online marketing

Nowadays there are so many online marketing models that in my opinion are too cumbersome. In my opinion the best way to do this is:

Know what all your options are – market survey
Get advice from someone who truly understands your business and goals to get you on the right track instead of wasting too much time and money.

Online Marketing


Above is an overview of online marketing. Hopefully, through this article, you understand the concepts of online marketing and the benefits that online marketing brings to your business website. And more importantly, you apply an effective SEO strategy, an effective online marketing strategy.

You may not know that SEO is a highly effective channel in Online Marketing, helping to attract a large number of potential customers. If you do not know how to do SEO yourself, let LIKE, Da Nang SEO Company, accompany you with reputable and quality SEO services.


Detailed information about online marketing forms.

1. Social Media Marketing (Social Media Marketing)

Social media marketing is the process of attracting attention and sales through the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Currently, Social Media Marketing is divided into two groups: organic (free) and paid.

Organic Social Media Marketing

This form focuses on building a community and increasing relationships with consumers.

Another way by using Social Media Marketing helps you show your respect and care for your customers and at the same time exploit the power of relationships with consumers in the most effective way.

Paid Social Media Marketing

This is a form of paid media, helping you reach customers on a large scale.

You have many ways to use Paid Social Media Marketing to advertise your business

Types of advertising of Paid Social Media Marketing such as advertising on social networks, mobile, facebook ads, etc.

2. SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing web pages and technical content to improve search engine rankings, thereby maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website.

So how does SEO work?

Search engines use “crawler bots” to crawl the internet and build an index of the content available online.

Then, whenever someone searches for a keyword, the search engine tries to provide the most relevant and useful results.

SEO comes in two forms: On-page and Off-page.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is when you optimize your website or content to rank higher in search engines for targeted keywords or phrases.

Examples of on-page SEO include:

  • Increase website speed
  • Have a responsive, mobile-optimized web design
  • Include your targeted keywords
  • Content structure with title tags
  • Optimized for Google Featured Snippets
  • Use structured data markup
  • Include internal links to other pages on your site
  • Add external links to other relevant websites

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO is when you optimize your website or content to appear higher in search results through methods outside of your website or content.

Much of the impact on Off-Page SEO is the creation of backlinks.

If multiple websites link to your site, then search engines will assume you have valuable and relevant content.

In addition, the reliability of other websites that link to you also affects the top of search

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing is all about stories being told, and people are often drawn to that story.

There are countless forms of content that businesses use to do this, such as:

  • Blog post
  • Upload videos to social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube
  • Industry research and reports
  • Infographics summarize reports and studies
  • Podcasts
  • Seminor

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is a form of marketing that uses Influencers (who have a relatively large online following) to send brand messages to the market.

5. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing (affiliate marketing) is a form of online business that is almost like a collaborator model.

With this form, you can find product distributors with affiliate programs, register and promote their products, you will get a commission.

6. Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the process of using email to send direct marketing messages to people in an effort to win new customers and retain existing ones.

While email marketing may not seem like the most attractive form of internet marketing, email marketing has a high rate of return on investment – ​​four times higher than other forms of online marketing.

So how does email marketing work?

Email marketing campaigns will often start with “Lead magnet”. After capturing email addresses, you can start nurturing your email subscribers with helpful content, giveaways, discounts, early access to new products.

You can also increase sales by using email segments.

This is when you create distinct groups of subscribers (called online segments) based on their individual interests and the stage each subscriber is at in the buyer’s journey.

You can then create automated email campaigns for each segment.

7. Paid advertising

Paid advertising is a form of Online Marketing where advertisers pay to show their ads on search engines and other online platforms, such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram. .

Nowadays, ads are often referred to as Pay-per-click or “PPC” which means that advertisers pay a fee every time a user clicks on one of their ads.

Platforms charge advertisers in different ways depending on their Marketing KPIs, such as:

Cost-per-thousand-impressions (“cost-per-mille” or “CPM”), which means you will be charged each time your ad has been viewed 1,000 times;

Cost-per-view (CPV), you will pay for each view your video receives;

Cost-per-action (CPA) (cost-per-acquisition): Meaning you will be charged each time a user takes a specific action or converts into a customer.


We invite you to contact LIKE to receive a quote for online marketing services.